Investing is using your own money to buy assets that you hope will increase in value, or generate income. These could be’real’ assets like art or gold coins, or ‘financial’ assets such as shares in companies (stocks) and bonds issued by companies (“corporate bonds”) or governments (government bonds). Investments can be made on your own through a do-it-yourself approach or by engaging the services of a financial professional. This link
Getting started with investing
Investors typically choose to diversify their portfolio to reduce the risk of losing money in any one asset class or sector. They also consider their comfort level with risk, or volatility, as a key part of the equation. Investing more aggressively than you can tolerate may cause you to panic and sell at the wrong time, which can hurt your returns.
When you’re ready to start, it’s important to review your overall finances and determine how much you can comfortably afford to invest, taking into account any existing debts. It’s also a good idea to establish an emergency fund that covers a few months of expenses in case the market dips.
If you’re a beginner, it’s often a good idea to start with so-called ‘blue chip’ stocks, which are shares in large companies that have a track record of stability and growth. These tend to have lower price fluctuations than other shares and can help smooth out market returns over the long term. It’s also worth considering the tax implications of any investments you make. These can include income and capital gains taxes, as well as liquidity restrictions.